[CLOSED] EPG is looking for experts with technical expertise on spatial planning for renewable energy sources and land hierarchy conflict


The RENewLand project, funded by the European Climate Initiative (EUKI), is implemented by Energy Policy Group (EPG) together with WWF Bulgaria, WWF-World Wide Fund for Nature Hungary (WWF Hungary), WWF Romania and Centre for Energy Research. Its main objectives include enabling a multi-actor and multi-sector approach in the process of designating national acceleration areas for solar and onshore wind energy and demonstrating science-based methodologies for the integrated spatial planning of these areas in three pilot regions in Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary.

Description of the assignment

Energy Policy Group is looking for experts with technical expertise on spatial planning for renewable energy sources and land hierarchy conflict, to elaborate a methodology with steps, criteria and parameters for the integrated spatial planning for acceleration areas for solar and onshore wind energy by geoinformatics (GIS) tools.

The scope of work includes the elaboration of a report which will develop a methodology on how a governance process of spatial designation should unfold, having a focus on solar and onshore wind. The methodology will take into consideration the challenges found in the three project implementing countries (Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania), during the workshops held in each country and the available geodata regarding site suitability criteria in each country (for challenges, see the principles set in Annex 1). As at these workshops have participated stakeholders from all the relevant sectors (RES industry, NGO`s, academia, public authorities etc.) the findings of these events will be considered very pertinent to the elaboration of the methodology. Also, the consortium will provide the list of geodata collected previously for identifying relevant pilot areas as a guide/reference for the contractor.

Scope of work:

Prepare a report of approximately 30 pages detailing a methodology for mapping renewable energy (focus on solar and onshore wind) potential and identifying sensitivity criteria for designating renewable acceleration areas (RRAs). The report will be elaborated under the guidance of Energy Policy Group.

The methodology will cover aspects such as:

  • Literature review: an examination of existing GIS-based methods for area designation for RES spatial planning and multi-criteria decision making.
  • Methodological Guide: a detailed guide for evaluating the suitability of a specific site for wind and solar power plants development, including:
    • Necessary criteria and their corresponding geodata layers,
    • Recommended software (and alternatives options) along with tools for geoprocessing.
    • Suggestions for factor weighting.
    • Take into account the principles (e.g. buffer zones) identified during the workshops in the implementing countries. The values for buffer zones will be provided by EPG. The recommendations and instructions should be easy to follow for other GIS experts in order to have the results in any geographical region.
  • Possible recommendations for legal provisions regarding the designation of renewable acceleration areas including best practice for SEAs (Strategic Environmental Assessments) for local acceleration areas plans.


20th September 2024Start of work
11st October 2024First draft of the report
18th October 2024Feedback from the beneficiary
1st November 2024Final report with the methodology
1st November 2024 – 1st November 2025Attend at least 3 workshops (RO, BG, HU) and the Regional Policy Conference from October 2025 (hybrid format for all). Selected days will be sent with at least 1 month in advance.

Selected experts will be provided with detailed templates for all required written outputs and guidance for conducting the necessary activities. Drafts of written outputs and activity design will be reviewed internally by Energy Policy Group, and the experts will be expected to incorporate this feedback and make the necessary adjustments. Additionally, experts are required to actively participate in project-related webinars and events

We are open to applications from individual experts, groups of experts and/or organisations, as well as institutions – for collective applications, the overall experience according to criteria mentioned and the CVs sent will be assessed. Please ensure that you include all experts who will be contributing to this task.

Indicative timeline of the assignment

20th September 2024- 30th October 2024

Please note that the indicated period encompasses the completion of all above activities, including any relevant feedback rounds with the Energy Policy Group.

Indicative budget for the assignment

Based on the workload and depending on expert’s experience, the maximum budget for the contract is EUR 25,000.

Expert selection process

Please send a technical offer describing the main steps in development of the methodology, including a brief note outlining your suitability for the role, all relevant CVs and a workplan for the deliverables, your CV together with a financial, no later than September 17th to alina.arsani@enpg.ro/ mihai.constantin@enpg.ro.

Applications will be assessed on a rolling basis. Applicants may be asked to participate in a call to further discuss the assignment and suitability for the role. Upon selection of the expert, Energy Policy Group will send any relevant templates and instructions for delivery of the above tasks.

The final selection of experts will be made according to the following criteria:

  • 5% – Experience in Horizon 2020 or similar R&D tenders.
  • 35% – proposed price;
  • 30% – experience on integrated spatial planning of renewable energy or comparable experience;
  • 30% experience on working with Geographic Information Systems data, vectorgraphical feature layers and satellite data analysis and remote sensing.

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