In response to the Commission’s communication on March 8, 2022, titled “RePowerEU: Joint European Action for more affordable, secure, and sustainable energy,” EU Member States have been called upon to diversify their energy sources and reduce dependence on fossil fuels. To facilitate the rapid development of renewable energy projects while minimizing their territorial impact, the European Commission introduced several key initiatives as part of the "REPowerEU Plan."
In this report, we assess Romania’s energy transition pathway. The European Gas Market Model and the European Power Market Model developed by REKK were utilised to understand the impact of Romania’s plans on emissions and the energy market and to see how Romania could resize its fossil capacity investments and achieve a carbon-neutral power sector in 2040. The models simulate a fully functional and liberalised energy markets to show the impact of different measures on wholesale energy prices.
Acest raport compară modelele de politici la nivel național existente și propuse pentru reducerea emisiilor de carbon pe întregul ciclu de viață (WLC). Sunt comparate abordările alese în Danemarca, Finlanda, Franța, Țările de Jos și Suedia. Acest lucru relevă caracteristici cheie, asemănări și deosebiri.
The Russian Ukrainian War is causing tremors far beyond the military front lines. Major food and supply chain disruptions, hybrid aggression against democratic countries, continuous violation of internationally recognized freedoms of navigation, trade and development of resources in exclusive economic zones, hegemonic militarization by Russia of an entire Black Sea and tangible risks of contagion among neighboring countries, are some of the topics that are addressed in this paper.
Apart from its relevance as a gateway to Asia and the Middle East, the authors emphasize the significant potential that the Black Sea region has in terms of supply routes, energy and natural resources potential that can contribute to progress and economic security for the entire European continent.
The Russian Ukrainian War is causing tremors far beyond the military front lines. Major food and supply chain disruptions, hybrid aggression against democratic countries, continuous violation of internationally recognized freedoms of navigation, trade and development of resources in exclusive economic zones, hegemonic militarization by Russia of an entire Black Sea and tangible risks of contagion among neighboring countries, are some of the topics that are addressed in this paper.
Apart from its relevance as a gateway to Asia and the Middle East, the authors emphasize the significant potential that the Black Sea region has in terms of supply routes, energy and natural resources potential that can contribute to progress and economic security for the entire European continent.
The goal of this study is to identify least-cost, Paris-compliant (United Nations, 2015) solutions for the decarbonisation of selected power markets while fitting national circumstances. The focus lies on techno-economical scenarios, which can then inform the policy debate. The geographical scope of the project is focused on EU countries in South East Europe, namely Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary and Romania. Results are available for each country individually, but will be shown in aggregate in this paper.
Scopul prezentului studiu este de a identifica soluțiile cel mai puțin costisitoare și conforme cu acordul de la Paris, pentru a permite eliminarea cărbunelui și a lignitului din mixul energetic, adaptându-se în același timp la particularitățile naționale.
Parlamentul European ar trebui să voteze în 7 Iunie pentru ca toate autoturismelor și autoutilitarelor noi, începând din 2035 să nu producă emisii de CO2. Practic aceasta ar însemna ca până la acea dată, marii producători să livreze pe piață doar autovehicule nepoluante.
Europe recorded its greenest electricity year ever in 2020. For the first time, more electricity was generated from renewables than from fossil fuels. Renewables accounted for 38 percent of Europe's electricity mix in 2020, compared with only 37 percent for fossil fuels, according to a joint analysis by Agora Energiewende and the British think tank Ember
Cluj example - In the summer of 2015, three heat waves were registered in Cluj-Napoca. As a result, an estimated potential loss of approximately reached almost 38.2 million EUR – Energy and Climate Policy
Europe recorded its greenest electricity year ever in 2020. For the first time, more electricity was generated from renewables than from fossil fuels. Renewables accounted for 38 percent of Europe's electricity mix in 2020, compared with only 37 percent for fossil fuels, according to a joint analysis by Agora Energiewende and the British think tank Ember