
fellow tudor gaitan - epg

Tudor Gaitan

Spring 2022

Tudor Gaitan has a BA degree in Political Science from University of Bucharest. He is currently studying for a MSc. in Economics and Political Science at University of Milan, Italy. Tudor’s educational path allowed him to study and work in countries like Austria, Germany, Italy, the US, the UK and Romania. His research interests and expertise revolve around policy analysis, politics of energy transition, comparative institutionalism, electoral systems, and political philosophy.

In the past, Tudor worked in diplomatic and NGO settings for institutions like the British Embassy Bucharest, the Romanian Embassy London, the Romanian Cultural Institute London, or Freedom House Romania. He also has considerable experience in the youth sector. Tudor is a former Don Lavoie Fellow at Mercatus Center, Virginia, and former alumnus of Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Romania, and Aspire Academy Romania.

