The analysis of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict calls for a comprehensive approach which cannot rule out the energy equation. In line with the trends set forth by the petroleum crises that have marked the second half of the previous century, ever since the petroleum crisis in 1973, the beginning of the XXI century distinguishes itself by new coordinates assigned to energy matters, such as a more structured and coordinated feedback of energy-consuming, developed countries to the geopolitical challenges promoted by exporting-countries.
At global level it has become clear that the industrialized countries affected by the consequences of the world crisis are on the verge of an energy independence and energy security crusade, focusing on the identification and exploitation of domestic resources and on the consolidation of several profitable and secure supply routes. The shale gas “revolution” has pushed the United States a good deal forward in this regard and has had transformative effects upon Europe’s gas markets, as well. On the other hand, as China has emerged as a major energy consumer, the plot has thickened at geopolitical level. Because of distrust in the international markets’ capacity to ensure its energy security, Beijing has chosen to be directly involved through its national companies in the in Africa’s extractive industries.