1. Introduction

a. These Terms and Conditions govern your use of our website. By using it, you accept these terms in full. If you disagree with them or any part of these Terms and Conditions, you cannot use our website.
b. These Terms and Conditions for Energy Policy Group (EPG) website apply also to EPG’s Summer School, Smart Transformation in the Energy Sector.
c. By applying for the Summer School, candidates accept that these Terms and Conditions cover the general regulations for this program.

2. Registration

d. Application is only possible through the website of EPG by filling in the requested form. After the application deadline/ submitting the application, a selection committee will select the participants. Successful applicants will be notified as soon as possible of their conditional admission and will receive payment instructions. Registration is not final until payment has been received and the applicant has received official notification. For further payment conditions, see provisions h and i of these Terms and Conditions.
e. Applicants may not invoke the provisions of these Terms and Conditions unless their registration is final.
f. Registration closes on the date indicated on the website (https://goo.gl/gR192S). Deviations from these regulations are possible only if there are still places available; this is at the discretion of the Summer School organizational team.
g. Applicants will be admitted to the Summer School only if they fulfill the minimum admission requirements. In the event that the number of successful applications exceeds the number of available places, participants will be chosen by the Summer School selection committee.

3. Terms of payment

h. The Summer School must receive the course fee no later than two weeks after the participant has received notification of conditional admission. The payment options will be set out in the provisional acceptance letter sent by e-mail.
i. If the course fee is not paid on time, the Summer School is authorized to exclude the participant from the program until the payment is made, within a reasonable period of time.
j. Participation at EPG Summer School involves significant costs for the organizers, such as accommodation, catering, rental of conference rooms or social events, and many of these expenses must be paid well before the commencement of the program. Therefore, in the event of a cancellation that comes after June 1, the participant will not receive back the attendance fee paid.

k. Should the program not take place for reasons independent of the organizers, selected participants will be refunded the attendance fee paid minus 30 euro, which represents the application processing fee.

4. Protection of personal data

l. The Summer School organizational team is responsible for processing the personal data of the participants for mainly two reasons (1) firstly, to stay in touch during the Summer School preparation phase and offer the requested information; (2) secondly, to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of our program (this may include short questionnaires or other evaluation activity); (3) collecting the tuition fee. All the information will be stored confidentially by EPG under the terms of General Data Processing Regulation (GDPR).
m. During the Summer School, photographs and video footage of participants will be taken for documentation purposes and to remind them of the experience. Additionally, we may wish to use some of the material to promote further activities and events to other potential candidates, and as part of our evaluation. By agreeing with these Terms and Conditions, participants give permission to be featured in commercially-used photography or video footage of the Summer School, which can be used at the full discretion of the organizational team.

5. Code of conduct and liability

n. Participants are required to abide by all applicable rules and regulations of the Summer School, all applicable rules and regulations of the specific housing company/organization and by all applicable laws, rules, and regulations of Romania. In case of violation by the student, EPG’s Summer School has the right to terminate the student’s participation and to expel the relevant student. In case of expulsion, no refund will be given to the student.
o. EPG Summer School does not accept any liability for any damages, loss, injuries suffered by the student while participating in the program.

6. Final Provisions

p. These Terms and Conditions were drawn up with the greatest possible care. However, EPG cannot guarantee that the content, in particular the information and data, is free of errors and omissions in all respects. EPG accepts no responsibility or liability for damage/losses that result from such errors/omissions.
q. Provision n also applies to all information relating to the Summer School that is published on EPG website.
r. EPG reserves the right to amend or make additions to these Terms and Conditions. EPG will communicate amendments/additions through the appropriate channels.