South East Europe Energy Transition Dialogue



  • Energy and Climate Policy


  • January 2018 – June 2021


logo partners agora - epg

Agora Energiewende

partener csd - epg

Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD)

partener fsb - epg

University of Zagreb

partener noa - epg

National Observatory of Athens (NOA) / Institute for Environmental Research and Sustainable Development (IERSD)

partener klima politica - epg



  • Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Romania


partner euki - epg

The European Climate Initiative (EUKI)

Project Description

The project seeks to advance progressive thinking and action about decarbonisation and national/regional energy transition strategies in SEE. Furthermore, it will develop evidence-based strategies for ensuring a successful energy transition. In particular, the project will:

  • i) build a SEE think tank network working on decarbonisation and strengthen its capacity,
  • ii) develop science-based, cost-effective, politically feasible solutions to power system transition maximizing opportunities from regional cooperation & EU-level support,
  • iii) engage with SEE climate & energy policy stakeholders (government, industry, society, academia) to advance Renewable Energy Sources (RES) when developing integrated national energy & climate plans, and
  • iv) feed SEE insights to EU-discussions on the Clean Energy for All Europeans package and the forthcoming Multiannual Financial Framework, incl. options to reduce RES financing cost.

Related Content

The impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the European Green Deal (April 2020)

In this report, the Energy Policy Group (EPG) examines the impact of the Covid-19 crisis on the European Green Deal and puts a focus on Romania and Southeast Europe.The COVID-19 outbreak prompted governments worldwide to impose unprecedented restrictions on travel and economic activity. Coupled with a drop in global oil prices, which it largely caused, this crisis is producing imbalances in the energy sector, affecting both investments and the transition to decarbonisation. The dip in carbon prices, also a result of lower energy demand, shows the adversarial impact that the coronavirus crisis can have on the recently launched European Green Deal.

Coal phase out in South East Europe (October 2020)

An Assessment of final NECPs in South East Europe (Otober 2020)

On the road to greening economies in Southeast Europe: Options for economic recovery and renewables deployment (June 2021)