







O concluzie tristă a dezbaterilor electorale: România va fi din nou absentă din discuțiile referitoare la marile provocări ale Europei

Lipsa dezbaterilor la nivel național despre viitorul și impactul politicilor climatice subminează abilitatea României de a participa în negocierile importante din următorii cinci ani.  Discursul politic din campania electorală a fost complet acaparat de luptele de tranșee duse la nivel local, cu schimburi interminabile de atacuri virulente între candidați. Subiectele țintite de politicieni în strategiile lor de comunicare au fost mai puțin despre soluțiile oferite comunităților în care trăim, cât mai degrabă pe atacuri ad hominem despre (ne)cinstea adversarilor. Între timp, cu excepția câtorva pâlpâiri timide, dezbaterile despre ideile propuse de candidații la europarlamentare au lipsit cu desăvârșire. Din păcate,...

The future of hydrogen in Romania: dispelling myth from reality

The public discourse is still flooded with faulty narratives on the future of hydrogen, especially on the doubtful expectation that hydrogen can either replace the use of natural gas in most current uses and it can therefore provide a lifeline for the continued use of fossil fuels throughout the following decades. To counter such narratives, this paper dispels a set of nine myths that are still pervasive in national discussions on hydrogen.

Rezultatele modelului Annual Decarbonisation Perspective privind o traiectorie spre atingerea țintelor de emisii din PNIESC și STL pentru România

Revizuirea Planului Național Integrat privind Energia și Schimbările Climatice (PNIESC) reprezintă o oportunitate de a explora opțiunile României pentru reducerea cu 99% a emisiilor de gaze cu efect de seră (GES) până în 2050 și cu 78% până în 2030, ținte stabilite în Strategia pe Termen Lung (STL) și incluse în forma draft a PNIESC.

Poate PNIESC-ul să ghideze cu succes economia românească spre decarbonizare? 

Până la 30 iunie 2024, fiecare stat membru al UE are obligația de a transmite Comisiei Europene propunerile de revizuire ale Planurilor Naționale pentru Energie și Schimbări Climatice (PNIESC), Conform Regulamentului (UE) 2018/1999. PNIESC este documentul-cadru prin care statele își asumă o serie de obiective, politici și măsuri ce vizează procesul de decarbonizare și implicit contribuția la atingerea obiectivelor asumate la nivel european până în anul 2030 cu perspectiva de a obține neutralitatea climatică până în anul 2050.

Can the Net Zero Industry Act boost Romania’s cleantech sectors?

The Net Zero Industry Act (NZIA) agreement between the Council and the European Parliament establishes a framework of measures for strengthening Europe’s net zero technologies and manufacturing ecosystem. The regulation aims to boost domestic production of clean technologies so that EU member states may develop a more even, competitive and green industrial sector fit for a carbon-free world.  Still, Europe’s response to the US Inflation Reduction Act, agreed upon last month, both delivers and underdelivers, according to EPG’s experts. While the new provision to speed-up permitting for production sites for clean technologies and the introduction of net zero acceleration valleys...

Romania’s climate strategies: a missed opportunity to support industrial transformation

It is difficult to overstate the urgency and magnitude of Romania’s industrial transformation. Heavy industry sectors such as steel, cement, and chemicals employ thousands of workers and are key contributors to the national economy. But their conventional, carbon-intensive processes are becoming increasingly obsolete in a world rapidly moving towards sustainable forms of production, as the competitive edge in industry slowly shifts from cheap to green. Transforming these processes is a sizeable challenge, but also an opportunity of significant proportions. By 2034, Romania’s steel, cement, and chemicals manufacturers, all sectors deemed to be at risk of carbon leakage, will no longer...

Decarbonising primary steel production in Romania

The decarbonisation of primary steel production is one of the most pressing challenges for the future of Romania’s industry. A highly carbon-intensive process, conventional primary steelmaking faces increasing pressure to transform in the context of the EU’s climate commitments: a phase-out of free allocation under the EU Emissions Trading System, upcoming regulations on sustainable products, and a rapidly rising carbon price. This pressure is insufficiently recognised in Romania’s industrial and climate strategies: its Long-Term Strategy, draft National Energy and Climate Plan, and draft national Industrial Strategy all fail to account for the scale of the transformation challenge and the associated...

What should Romania do to align with the EU 2040 climate targets? 

The Commission released a comprehensive impact assessment outlining potential approaches to reach the established objective of achieving climate neutrality in the European Union by 2050. In accordance with this assessment, the Commission suggests a 90% net reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2040, relative to 1990 levels. It also articulates several imperative policy conditions for achieving this target, including meeting 2030 goals, industrial competitiveness, and an inclusive dialogue on post-2030 climate action. In particular, a just transition with adequate measures for energy price affordability and the mitigation of social impact will be essential.     Quote Ioana Vasiliu – EPG Senior Researcher:...

The Industrial Carbon Management Strategy. What is good and where does it disappoint?

The European Commission’s first ever strategy governing carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) – the Industrial Carbon Management Strategy – is an important step for the deployment of CCS in Europe. For Romania and Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), with potentially significant carbon storage capacity and important industries that will need to capture their emissions, this long-awaited Strategy sets a strategic direction which should enable firmer and quicker action on making CCUS a reality, and enabling a fair geographical spread of new technologies and infrastructure across a currently West-centric Europe.    Quote Luciana Miu – EPG Head of Clean Economy: “The...