[CLOSED] EPG is looking for experts to perform an evaluation of the potential market for a large-scale liquid hydrogen refuelling station (LS-LHRS)


Energy Policy Group Association (EPG) is a Romanian NGO, independent think-tank, specializing in energy and climate policy, market analytics and energy strategy, grounded in February 2014.

EPG is a research partner in the implementation consortium of the DelHyVEHR project (https://www.linkedin.com/company/delhyvehr/), an R&D project funded under the Horizon Europe framework. The project runs between January 1st, 2024 – December 31st, 2026 and its scope is the development (design, manufacturing, integration and assembly, prototype testing) of a large-scale liquid hydrogen refuelling station (LS-LHRS) to be used in a variety of applications, with a focus on heavy duty transport – aviation, maritime and railroad.

In the context of the DelHyVEHR project, EPG needs to perform an evaluation of the potential market for the LS-LHRS, between 2025 and 2050. As EPG does not have the tools to perform this market evaluation in house, the activity needs to be externalised.

Purpose and objectives

The purpose of the work to be undertaken under this SoW is the identification of the potential market size and market niches for the commercialisation of the product to be developed in the DelHyVEHR project, namely the large-scale liquid hydrogen refuelling station (LS-LHRS).

The main objectives of the analysis:

  • Objective 1: Analyse the liquid hydrogen market (LH market), 2024 – 2050 timeframe
  • Objective 2: Analyse the LS-LHRS market (main scope of the analysis), 2024 – 2050 timeframe

For each of the two objectives/ LH & LS-LHRS markets, perform the following:

  • assess current (2024) and potential (2025 to 2050) market developments. For the LS-LHRS market study, the specifications of the station will be provided by EPG.
  • identify relevant industries for the 2025 – 2050 timeframe:
  • for the LH market: identify relevant industries that will use liquid hydrogen and quantify the demand, the supply and map key players in the value chain
  • for the LS-LHRS market: identify industries in which such a station would be a good fit and quantify the need for LS-LHRS
  • assess the market share per industry, per country (within EU-27) and per region, globally, between 2025 and 2050

In order to meet the two objectives, respectively market developments until 2050 a market forecast is required. Three forecasting scenarios will be considered, as a function of various criteria/indicators: (i) baseline, (ii) pessimistic and (iii) optimistic. The contractor shall select the criteria/indicators best suited for the forecasting. As a suggestion, liquid hydrogen price can be one such criterion. The contractor shall design the forecasting/market prediction methodology in line with its internal set of tools and procedures. The market forecast exercise shall be characterised by the implementation of a set of sensitivities, revealing the influence of the main assumptions on the final outcome of the analysis.


  • one set of partial (draft) results, in the form of .pptx slides – by September 2024
  • one set of final results, in the form of .pptx slides – by November 2024
  • the final report containing the results and a description of methodology – by January 2025

More details on the deliverables are provided below.


June 2024 (start of activity) – January 2025 (final report). A more detailed timeline is provided below.

Estimated value, payment terms and schedule

The total price of the activity shall not exceed EUR 55,000, all taxes included. A price lower than this shall be considered as an increased likelihood of obtaining the contract.

The payment shall be made by EPG by bank transfer, in Euro, directly in the account of the contractor, following the closure of the project. The contractor will issue an invoice, representing the legal basis of the payment.

The closure of the project will be decided by EPG following the evaluation of the final report against the acceptance criteria, as described in this document. The acceptance of the results and the closure of the project will be notified to the contractor by email, no later than 7 calendar days following the submission of the final report by the contractor (also by e-mail).

If needed, a provision can be made for the payment of the work in two tranches, as follows: a first tranche (no more than EUR 10,000), following the submission, by the contractor, of the preliminary results and second tranche, representing the payment difference, after the submission of the final report and acceptance of the results. In both cases, the payment shall be made by bank transfer, on the basis of an invoice issued by the contractor.

How to apply

The proposals shall be submitted by e-mail, to radu.cirligeanu@enpg.ro, between March 25th – April 30th, 2024. Following the submission, the applicant will receive a confirmation e-mail, acknowledging that the proposal has been well received and that it will be subjected to evaluation. Only the selected applicant will be contacted following the proposal evaluation period.

There is no proposal template. The applicant has the freedom to include in the proposal the information considered relevant for the application, in the format of choice.

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