Advisory Board

markus maly advisory board - epg

Markus Maly

Advisory Board Member

After his diploma in chemistry in 2001 at Clausthal University of Technology, Markus started as project engineer at the Clausthal Environmental Technology Institute (Germany). He led several research projects in the field of biogenic fuel production, its modification, and testing.

Between 2006 and 2016, Markus holds various positions within OMV’s Refining & Petrochemicals business unit in Germany and Austria, including process engineering, fuel product development, and advocacy issues.

With September 2016, Markus changed to OMV Corporate International & Governmental Relations and moved to OMV’s Brussels Representation, where he deals mostly with downstream oil regulations on renewable energy, energy efficiency, and greenhouse gas mitigation.

Since 2014, Markus is chairing the Automotive Fuels Issue Group of FuelsEurope of the European Petroleum Refiners Association.