Energy transition in Romania 2023-2024: course correction and accelerating clean energy deployment

Project Description

The 2023-2024 period will have a huge impact on the ability of Romania to decarbonise its energy sector and to keep on track with reaching climate neutrality by 2050. Multiple strategies, laws, action plans and investments will be issued, in parallel to the fast-developing EU policy landscape. EPG seeks to remain an active and influential voice in the public debate on decarbonisation and the uptake of clean energy sources. Through this project, it seeks to do this both through following and providing input to the multiple decision-making streams, as well as through producing detailed analysis with solutions for some of the most pressing problems of Romania’s energy transition. 

WP2 - Solutions for replacing large-scale fossil gas capacities in Romania (CHPs and CCGTs)

Contributors: Alina Arsani, Radu Cîrligeanu 

The 2023-2024 period will have a huge impact on the ability of Romania to decarbonise its energy sector and to keep on track with reaching climate neutrality by 2050. Multiple strategies, laws, action plans and investments will be issued, in parallel to the fast-developing EU policy landscape. EPG seeks to remain an active and influential voice in the public debate on decarbonisation and the uptake of clean energy sources. Through this project, it seeks to do this both through following and providing input to the multiple decision-making streams, as well as through producing detailed analysis with solutions for some of the most pressing problems of Romania’s energy transition. 

The second part of Romania’s overreliance on large-scale gas-fired capacity is that of CCGTs. It is important to provide technical analysis on the economics and engineering of CCGTs that can show how unsuitable and wasteful large-scale capacities (over 800 MW) are for providing flexibility for the system. A potential switch to hydrogen would be even more ill-suited for Romanian energy needs, which must be explained in detail to decision-makers.

WP3 - Untapped renewable potential in Romania (geothermal/biomethane/agrivoltaics)

This work package will pick up on one of the three following renewable energy sources to analyse their potential, but to also explain some of the limitations they currently pose.
Geothermal energy: According to the IRENA study, Romania has a geothermal electricity capacity of 5 MW. At the same time, several cities and towns have started to use this source for partially covering the demand in district heating (Oradea, Sanmartin etc.).

Biogas and biomethane: There are various estimations of biomethane or biogas potential in Romania by promoters of biomass use in energy purposes. Some estimations go up to 110 TW or 20 TWh per year. Most of the potential of biomethane is considered to come from energy crops, agricultural residues, waste, landfill and livestock manure. Only some of these sources can result in sustainable biogas and biomethane.

Agrivoltaics: PV panels installed on lands used for agriculture and irrigation, allowing for the dual use of space for both farming and energy production. It is important to understand what role they can play in a country like Romania where agriculture represents 4.5% of GDP and accounts for 26% of employment.


  • Energy Decarbonisation


  • Jul 2023 –Jun 2026

EPG Project Manager

mihnea catuti - epg

Mihnea Cătuți

Head of Research


  • Romania


  • European Climate Foundation (ECF)