District heating in national Long-Term Strategies

Member States’ visions for enabling low-carbon district heat networks

As part of the Climate Recon project, EPG has analysed the role of low-carbon district heating in the Long-Term Strategies for climate neutrality of 23 Member States.

Modern, low-carbon district heat networks could significantly contribute towards the decarbonization of heating supply, particularly in the residential sector. However, they only supply 12% of heat in the EU, and some countries struggle with inefficient legacy networks in need of repair and upgrading. This analysis reviews countries’ Long-Term Strategies and analyses how well they tap into the decarbonization potential of low-carbon district heat networks.

The report is part of the project Climate Recon: Dialogue on Pathways and Policies for a climate-neutral EU. This project is financed by the European Climate Initiative (EUKI) and the European Climate Foundation (ECF). For further details, please visit the project website www.climatedialogue.eu.

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